Seven Locks Animal Hospital

7817 Tuckerman Lane
Potomac, MD 20854



Our Doctor


Dr. Horia Popa with Doberman named Paco

Dr. Horia Popa

Dr. Popa graduated from the School of Veterinary Medicine in Romania. Despite running a succesful private practice in Romania, Dr. Popa decided to move Washington, D.C. with his two dogs -- a Doberman named Paco (pictured left) and a Miniature Pinscher named Kiddy.

After his move, Dr. Popa underwent further rigorous training and examination in order to be licensed to practice veterinary medicine in the U.S. He passed the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination and was accepted into a one-year clinical evaluation at Purdue University, one of the top veterinary schools in the country.

Dr. Popa completed the Purdue clinical evaluation program in 2003, and moved back to practicing general veterinary medicine in Northern Virginia. Then, to gain expertise in critical emergency care, he enrolled in a one-year internship in an emergency clinic in Annapolis. After this internship, Dr. Popa returned to practicing at his former hospital in Northern Virginia, while continuing to do emergency relief work in Annapolis.

After rigorous seaching and preparation, Dr. Popa became the owner and the primary veterinarian of Seven Locks Animal Hospital in October 2009.

Dr. Popa has a special interest in surgery, internal medicine, imaging diagnostics, and emergency and critical care. He is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association and the Veterinary Emergency Critical Care Society. He is proud to volunteer his time and hospital resources to support programs that train guide dogs for the blind.

Outside of the clinic Dr. Popa is a surf fishing addict! He also enjoys hiking, kayaking, biking, camping, and especially playing tennis several times a week. He now shares his life with Smokey, a spoiled but sweet senior mixed breed dog.



Our Staff



Emma is our hardened veteran, working for Seven Locks Animal Hospital for over 14 years. Her roles have included technician and manager, and now she continues as a business consultant.

While working as an important pillar during Seven Locks Animal Hospital's development, Emma simultaneously completed an undergraduate degree in Agricultural Economics at the University of Maryland. Most recently, Emma finished a grueling program at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law and achieved her Juris Doctor.

Emma has been interested in animals all her life, and today her family includes two rescue dogs, three rescue cats, and a very special horse, Flash. Though Emma is no longer around on a day-to-day basis, she continues to provide support to the Seven Locks Animal Hospital team. 





Helen is our resident cat-lover, and has always loved all things with fluff and whiskers. Helen is one of our veterans, having started at Seven Locks Animal Hospital in 2018, and she is now an important part of our technician and administrative teams. Additionally, Helen is one of our Internship Coordinators and she also helps train new employees.

Helen plans a career in veterinary medicine, she currently is enrolled at Montgomery College with the aim to eventually transfer to a 4-year university.

Outside of work, Helen enjoys traveling, gaming, and finding crazy hair dye colors. She shares her home with three rescue cats, Sir. Charles, Pickles, and Maeve, plus the fabulous Jelly, a South American Horned Frog.





Another veteran of Seven Locks Animal Hospital, Kaitlin started in 2017. Kaitlin helps keep things running as Office Assistant and also helps out the Reception and Technician teams.

Kaitlin is interested in Health Economics, working towards an Economics undergraduate degree at University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Kaitlin finds the similarities and differences between veterinary medicine and human medicine especially engaging.

Kaitlin has had animals her whole life, including cats, dogs, reptiles, rodents, and birds. Kaitlin most recently shared her life with a sweet Newfoundland, Admiral, who trained in Obedience and Water Rescue. In her free time Kaitlin enjoys biking, kayaking, hiking, playing clarinet, and watching murder mystery shows.





Taylor has also earned veteran status, starting at Seven Locks Animal Hospital in 2017. Taylor is an important part of our Technician and Administrative teams, as well as being one of our Internship Coordinators and new employee trainer.

Taylor recently graduated with an undergraduate Biology degree from Towson University, and is going through the vet school application process. Outside of work, Taylor interns with a marine research organization and with equine specialists.

Taylor is a Labrador fanatic, living with Chocolate Labs, Storm and Miles, and also sharing a home with Chihuahua, Roxy, and Sheltie, Rusty. In addition to devouring books, you can often find Taylor going for a hike, run, or beach adventure with a four-legged companion.





Maddie started with Seven Locks Animal Hospital growing up as a client, before joining our team in 2020. Maddie first trained as a Veterinary Assistant and now as a Veterinary Technician.

Maddie earned an undergraduate degree in Environmental Science at Johns Hopkins, and just finished her degree in Biology from Towson University.

A forever pet lover, Maddie especially enjoys trick training, obedience, and agility with her 3 dogs: Beagle-mix, Winnie, Belgian Malinois, Otter, and Border Collie, Kuiper.  Maddie's interests include traveling and backpacking, really anything outdoors.





Ashton is a fan of all things fluffy, growing up in a family that bred Pomeranians and now American Cocker Spaniels. Ashton brought us her expertise in 2021, first as a Veterinary Assistant before training to become a Veterinary Technician.

Ashton studied at Lindenwood University, graduating with an undergraduate degree in Criminal Justice. Initially she thought to apply to law school, but a deep love for pets, and a desire to help animals and their owners, encouraged her now to continue studying and soon apply to vet school.

Ashton has a variety of fluffy pets at home-- Evelynn the rabbit, Tommy the cat, and Dash the young Cocker. When not surrounded by cuddly faces, Ashton enjoys video games and traveling all around the world.





Madelyn joined the team in late 2023 and is one of our newer faces. Madelyn enjoys pitching in wherever she can and supports both the Reception and Technician teams.

Madelyn has loved animals her whole life, and always takes every opportunity to learn more about them. She has worked with horses for over 20 years, and has her own beloved gelding, Wonderstruck- the two have been together for over a decade.

Madelyn recently returned to Maryland from Colorado, where she worked as the lead Animal Caretaker at Mission: Wolf, a remote wolf and horse sanctuary. Outside of work Madelyn enjoys reading, knitting, baking, and spending time with Wonder whenever she can.





Ayellet joined our reception team in late 2023. She enjoys meeting all our fluffy friends and has recently taken lead of our social media, posting their cute faces and our daily updates.


Ayellet is a current undergraduate student at University of Maryland, College Park, studying International Business on the pre-law track.

In her free time, you can catch Ayellet training at the gym, or cuddling up on the couch and watching TV with her two dogs, Laney the Havapoo and Larry the Bernerdoodle.





Sophia started with us recently, making her one of our newest employees, but she is an integral part of our Reception team.

Sophia would like to study veterinary medicine and business, currently double majoring in Biology and Business at University of Maryland, College Park.

Sophia has 4 dogs at home, Bobbi the Pitbull, Pippa the mini-Goldendoodle, and Riley and George the Dogo Argentinos. Outside of work Sophia enjoys volleyball, cooking, and hanging out with her pups at the beach.